Monday, February 1, 2010

Three Tellings of Cinderella

(Oddly enough, I hand-wrote this blog in math class, it was THAT dull.....)

In the three different tellings of Cinderella, I was surprised to see the many differences in detail. (Though, that's not totally surprising, because that's the reason we're reading them, and why they're in our text. Anyway..) I did notice that the Disney version more closely resembled the original Brothers Grimm version than the Japanese version, though I know this is because Disney based their version off of the original, only taking out the gory parts and whatnot.I've noticed that in alot of Grimm stories, events or phrases happen or repeat themselves in a series of 3 or more. Perhaps this was to capture the attention of young children, as children tend to love repetition when they can connect the dots of a story all my themselves. Though, I also was surprised at the amount of violence and jealousy in the Grimm and Japanese versions. I can theorize that this is because the stories are from cultures that don't hide that content from it's youngsters, because these stories were told to not only entertain, but to be a warning and life lesson to them as well. It also struck me how the Grimm story ties itself to the Disney version and to the Japanese version, but it does not happen the other way around. The Disney version and the Japanese are very different from one another, besides the base plot that all 3 share. The Grimm versionn and Japanese version share, most commonly, a nurturing of a living organism by the main character, a tree in one story, a giant fish (what i persume to be a koi) in another. Yet the Grimm and the Disney versions share the whole prince-looking-for-his-bride theme, where-as the Japanese story does not.

I really loved all 3 of the stories, though Cinderella was never my favorite story from childhood. Obviously, as it usually goes with me, I enjoyed the Brothers Grimm version the most.

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