My first memory... well... I guess you could call it a memory.. It was when I was probably 1 yr old or so.. or slightly later. It had to be when i was less than 2 because my memory is up at my old house (I used to live in a round house by the way, it was red, like barn red, and has a central column. i was little so i just remember the tan carpet lol.) Anyway, my first memory is me crawling around on the floor next to our fireplace. Well.. I wasn't really crawling. My twin and I used to spider walk instead of crawl cause we hated the feel of carpet on our knees I guess. So imagine 2 babies wearing cloth diapers (totally eco friendly lol) with their butts in the air, "crawling" on our hands and feet. We were weird little kids.. Back to my story. In my memory, I just remember crawling on the tile around the fireplace. The tile was dark blue, and made from a ceramic material, with dark grout. The tiles were odd shapes too, as if the were broken and put into place. I remember them being really cold, which means it was probably summer outside, cuz our house is cold in the summer. And they hurt my knees and hands when i crawled on them, hence why i got off of them. But thats about all i can remember. We still have the fireplace at my new house now, which isn't really new, its just not the old one. It's a free standing fireplace, cast-iron. So it's really warm. I told my mom that memory, and she was surprised i remembered that, cuz she had a hard time remembering the tile around the fireplace by the enterance. Ill always remember this one I think.
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