Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Word Changes ALL

Testicles. Yes, early Friday morning, that word changed my morning. Well... for that little moment anyway... minding my own business, writing assignments down or whatnot... I heard it. In my Writ 101 class, a guy next to me was talking to a girl sitting next to him. I don't remember how their conversation started, because I wasn't listening as usual. That was, until I heard the word TESTICLES. Yes, I know, think what you want... but it only caught my ear cause it's not every day that the opposite sex uses proper anatomical terms unless they're in Anatomy or Biology where the act is sort of required. So anyway, apparently there is a poster or billaboard or cork-board-display-thing with the words "Know Your Testicles" (the emphasis was apparently on testicles, because it was in the biggest letters), in one of the wings of the Johnstone Center that's about testicular cancer, and how to check,and what to do, and facts about the disease... things of that nature. How about that? What a way to start my morning. Drinking my chai tea, minding my business, and hearing a 21 yr old army guy telling a 20 something worman about what he observed that morning. Needless to say... class started, and my ears were saved.

So Mr. Sexson, my hat goes off to you. If I would only listen, and try harder, I would hear interesting things. Even though I'm not as talented as Garrett as to brighten other people's day by telling white lie fibs, I can see how one could go about doing so. And hence making the entire world (or maybe just campus) a little more interesting. So, kudos to you.

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